Discord bots ahoy!

Hi there!

Hey! Welcome to the first part in a series of indefinite length where I go off about writing a discord bot in python using the discord.py discord library and framework. This series is geared at getting folks who work on the bot I’m responsible for up to speed on what it does and how to work on it. If you’re one of those people, awesome! Hi! And if you found this some other way (maybe from the mastodon auto-post, or from Google or something) well, also hi, but also also don’t be too surprised if there’s context missing. These things happen. You’re clever, though, I’m sure you can figure it out.

If you’re wondering “why are you posting stuff about one specific discord bot for one specific server on your blog”, the answer is it’s either this or a shared google doc and, well… I prefer this way, I have more control over it. (And no, actually doing this on discord would be silly and ridiculous. Discord’s a chat system not a reference system. Seriously, don’t do that)

And if you’re wondering “hey, where’s the actual bot code you’re working with?” the answer there is “eh, too much work to strip it down to its basics” but it’s not hard to go search around and find examples of how to do this. Maybe it’ll be useful to have that as a topic for a later post but for now we’re just assuming either you can see the actual bot source (because you have access to it) or can fake it well enough.

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